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Back to search Add to basket Register/Login to access Telecí na paprice, krupicové noky Veal with paprika, semolina gnocchi Asset type image Asset extension JPG File size 43.38 MB Dimensions 8250×5503px ID 307422 Licence Licence Commercial Licence Expiry No expiry date Added at 05 August 2022 12:09 Source: Czechia Digital Media Library Credit Mikuláš Gottwald Photoone Usage Fotografie může být upravena. Photography can be edited. View full term of use Tags bez lidí Czech Specials detail gastro interiér Interior jídlo Meal Mikuláš Gottwald Photoone telecí na paprice veal with paprika without people
bez lidí Czech Specials detail gastro interiér Interior jídlo Meal Mikuláš Gottwald Photoone telecí na paprice veal with paprika without people